Visual recipes use pictures to simplify cooking steps, making them accessible for children, especially those with special educational needs. Learn how to create, adapt, and use these recipes effectively.
Adapting Literacy Activities for the Diverse Learning Needs of Early and Special Education Learners
Boost literacy in early childhood and special education classrooms with tailored activities. Find tips for interactive read-alouds, guided reading, and writing centers designed for K-2 learners.
Books to Help Foster Classroom Community
Each of the following books was carefully chosen or written to serve as springboards for discussions, activities, and reflections that help students develop essential social-emotional skills.
How to Design a Homeschool Schedule
Flexibility is one of the most common reasons people homeschool – I know it was for our family. This is especially true if your child has appointments with medical professionals and therapists during the day. However, creating and implementing a homeschool schedule is important for maintaining structure and consistency in your child’s learning routine. Crafting […]
5 Benefits of Task Boxes for Special Education and Early Learners During Summer
Discover the benefits of task boxes for early learners during summer. Keep kids engaged, maintain skills, and promote independence with fun, structured activities.
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