We get a lot of questions about the levels of our Made For Me Literacy bundles.
When we originally started back in 2018, we had no idea MFML would grow and evolve into what it is today: a curriculum with multiple bundles spanning various levels and containing thousands of cross-curricular, hands-on activities that teach reading for elementary students.
For our original bundle, we decided to focus primarily on literacy for students in the pre-k and kindergarten levels. Little did we know at this time that this bundle would become our Level B Bundle 1. As teachers began using our curriculum, we quickly realized we would need both higher and lower levels of all of our activities.

Hence, the creation of our MFML Leveling System!
By then, we had 2 kindergarten-level bundles already completed and were just starting to brainstorm our 3rd-5th grade bundle. Instead of limiting ourselves to kindergarten skills, we decided to make three bundles; Our kindergarten bundles – Level B, our 3rd-5th grade bundle – Level C, and we left Level A for our preschool bundle.

Level A: Early Childhood – Preschool
Level A is geared toward reading for elementary students working on errorless and matching tasks, following one-step directions, and basic skills (colors, numbers, letters, shapes, etc.). Activities include picture-to-picture matching with the introduction of non-identical matching tasks. Our newly completed Level A Lesson Plan Bundle includes 2 levels of differentiation on all tasks, and is our only bundle that includes errorless learning activities!
We also have a Level A Digital Set that contains Boom Cards, interactive PDFs, and printable worksheets that you can use with your students to help reinforce those basic academic skills.
Be sure to join our private Facebook Group, where we have posted lots of fun freebies including additional errorless tasks, no-prep writing journals, and vocabulary mini-books!

Level B: Preschool – Kindergarten-1st grade
Level B focuses on skills and adapted standards for literacy for first graders, kindergarten, and pre-k students. Students are given opportunities to independently follow visual directions to complete art, sentence writing (errorless options included), and cross-curricular activities. For example, task boxes, file folders, and centers work on K-2 skills, while comprehension activities include WH and yes/no questions, story elements, and story sequencing with visuals.
Furthermore, we do have two Level B Bundles and often are asked about the difference between the two. Skill-wise, these reading for elementary bundles are very compatible, which is great for teachers who have had the same students for multiple years. However, the main differences will be the monthly themes and that Literacy Bundle 1 has 12 months of content, and Literacy Bundle 2 has 10 months of content.
Check out our Level B Bundles: Bundle 1 and Bundle 2

Level C: 3rd-5th grade self-contained classroom
Lastly, Level C focuses on grades 3-5 reading for elementary skills and adapted standards. For instance, Students are given opportunities to independently follow directions to complete art, sentence and paragraph writing (cut/paste options and word banks included), and cross-curricular activities. Additionally, centers focus on 3-5 skills, and comprehension activities include higher-level questions and graphic organizers (problem/solution, cause/effect, beginning/middle/end).
Read more about our Level C Bundle here.

And, last but not least, our Made For Me Math Units!
Although we don’t currently have these as part of our leveling system, the bundle starts with Level A skills and spans out to Level B skills as the units progress. Additionally, these units do not have thematic themes like our literacy units; they are skill-based and each unit’s activities focus on one math skill at a time.
Read more about Made For Me Math units here! And check out That Special Educator’s YouTube video that does a deep dive into our MFM Math curriculum!
Looking for More Math and Reading for Elementary Activities?
Here are some of my favorite Especially Education activities and how they correspond with our leveling system.
Level A Curriculum
Basic Skills Task Boxes for the Entire Year
Alphabet Easy Art
Errorless Task Boxes
Basic Skills File Folders
Identical Matching File Folders
Interactive Book Bundle
Level B Curriculum
Easy Art Crafts and Writing
Task Boxes for the Entire Year
Task Box Bundle
Spring Cut and Paste Worksheets
Fall Cut and Paste Worksheets
Winter Cut and Paste Worksheets
Math Workbooks
Story Time Year Long Bundle
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